Indian ed

One Column
Welcome to Indian Education at Redwood Valley High School!

The Indian Education program has been a fixture at Redwood Valley High school for many years and we are excited to begin another year with our students! Our department at the Middle/High school will be staffed by Ruth Good Thunder, Holly Schmitt, and Jackie Probst as we combine the two areas as a continuous 5th-12th-grade program.  In doing so we are able to create mentoring events that connect our high school students with our middle and elementary youth to build their sense of belonging and relationships.  We are also here to provide academic, mental, and emotional support specific to our Native American students while providing them a positive and safe environment. The program services are available to any self-identified Native student, and although many of our students come from the nearby Lower Sioux Indian Community, we welcome our relatives from any of our native nations. The services include monitoring their attendance and academic progress while communicating with them and their families to resolve any obstacles which would hinder their ability to reach their potential. While tutoring is available before and after school, we also offer opportunities to explore cultural enrichment events, team building activities and post-secondary and career options.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions-

Have a great 2019-20 school year!


All Indian Education activities will be postponed until further notice. For updates and questions regarding RASD Indian Education COVID-19 news, please contact your Indian Education office or your site-level administrative staff. 
here for MDE COVD-19 updates

Jackie Prescott-Probst
Director of Indian Education

Please keep you & your relatives healthy by following these simple steps from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention:
1. Wash your hands often (at least 20 seconds).
2. Avoid close contact with people....distance of at least 6 feet.
3. Stay home if you are sick.
4. Cover cough and sneezes.
5. Wear a face mask if you are ill.
6. Clean and disinfect surfaces daily.

We are here (8:00-4:30) or call your site level office if we can be of assistance. You can also follow us at:

Watch for your weekly grade level google meets invitation at 11:30:
9th grade - Tuesday
11th grade - Wednesday
10th grade - Thursday
12th grade - Friday


And remember:
"Humor is the best medicine; it got our ancestors through much, it will get us through more".  
Eugene Tapahe-Navajo
