Congratulations to our 12/2/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. Our Character Strong focus this month is concluding on Gratitude. As important as it is to feel Gratitude, it is also important to show others that you are Grateful. Showing your Gratitude to others will make them feel appreciated and cared for. An easy way to show someone that you are Grateful for this is to simply say, “Thank You” and tell them why. Taking the time to notice what others are doing not only feels good to them, but helps one self to be more positive too. Our students this week are growing in their Gratitude each day. We are very proud of each of them! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
RVHS Principal's Weekly Message:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
The Redwood Valley Chapter of National Honor Society added 26 new members last night. The ceremony was amazing. Great job RVHS students!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
On Wednesday, students in Krista Zeug's Intro to Medical Careers Class learned firsthand what it takes to be a Flight Medic. A Life Link helicopter landed in the High School parking lot, allowing students to explore the helicopter and equipment, and ask questions about this unique career path.
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
The Reede Gray Winter Concert is scheduled for Friday, December 2nd at 1:00 p.m. in the Redwood Valley High School gym. Students in grades K-4 will be participating in the event. Doors will open to the public at 12:15 p.m. Visitors will need to enter and exit using the link door (the doors with the Cardinal logo) on the west end of the gymnasium.
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
Ms. Berning's 10th grade students were engaging in a discussion on the book "The Kite Runner." It was impressive seeing the depth of knowledge students displayed in their responses. Great job RVHS students!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
English 2
Mr. Ferrier's Physical Education students were creating workout plans. They had individual goals of building speed, strength, and endurance. Great job students!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Students in Ms. Heltemes' Food for Living Class were busy preparing a Thanksgiving meal today. Turkey, green bean casserole, and potatoes were part of the feast. Great work students and enjoy the meal!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Foods 1
Foods 2
Foods 3
Childrens Dental Service (CDS), a mobile dental service, will be coming back to the Redwood Area School District this Winter. Dental disease is the most common, chronic childhood illness; over 51 million hours of school time are lost in the U.S. annually due to dental-related illness. CDS targets kids who are not being served and brings dental care directly to them in the school, where they are comforted by familiar surroundings. CDS’ portable dental care is a convenient, affordable, efficient and cost-effective mobile oral health care program that allows us increase access to care while reducing barriers such as transportation and financial hardship. Dental care at school may include exams, x-rays, cleanings, fluoride treatment, sealants, fillings, crowns, extractions and other treatments as needed during regular school hours. If you would like your child to receive dental care or if you are able to fill out this form as an adult (18 years or older), please fill out this form and return it to school.
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
RVHS Weekly Principal's Message:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
203 RVHS students qualified for the Attendance Seminar today. To do so, they had to achieve 95% attendance, zero tardies or unexcused absences, and zero office referrals. Students who qualified had time this afternoon to ice skate, play basketball/volleyball, play board games, or hang out with friends in the RACC. Great job RVHS students!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Ice skating
Smash Ball
Board Games
Congratulations to our 11/18/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. Our Character Strong focus this month is on the importance of Gratitude. We hear all the time that it is important to say Thank you and feel Grateful, but why? Did you know that practicing gratitude can help us feel happier, healthier and more positive. Reminding ourselves of what we are Grateful for can also help us when we are feeling sad. Remembering that, no matter, What challenges we face, there are still good things to take note of in the world! Our students this week are growing in their gratitude each day. We are very proud of each of them! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
In honor of American Education week this week, Teachers on Call is proud to acknowledge the hard work of our extraordinary educators and support staff in schools across the country! Thank you for your vital contributions to our students’ education, your work is so appreciated! Reach out to a past educator/support staff to let them know the impact they've had on you and the difference they have made. It will make their day!
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
Check out Publications November Newspaper!
over 2 years ago, Andy Ourada
Storytelling w/ Auntie Bae on November 23rd at RG Elementary!
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
The students in Mr. Berggren's Intro to Guitar class displayed their talents for the Middle School Band and Choir students. Awesome job!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Over the last month, students in Kailee Heltemes' Foods for Living class have been very busy! Students helped to prepare the Hall of Fame dinner, competed in a Chopped kitchen challenge using MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) from the National Guard, and learned how to make Fry Bread with Ruth Good Thunder.
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
There is still time to sign up for the Spring EMR Basic/ First Responder course! This class is open to community members as well as high school students. Please reach out to Ally Carlson if you have any questions or would like registration information. Phone: 507-644-8043 or Email:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson