Check out Publications November Newspaper!
over 2 years ago, Andy Ourada
Storytelling w/ Auntie Bae on November 23rd at RG Elementary!
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
The students in Mr. Berggren's Intro to Guitar class displayed their talents for the Middle School Band and Choir students. Awesome job!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Over the last month, students in Kailee Heltemes' Foods for Living class have been very busy! Students helped to prepare the Hall of Fame dinner, competed in a Chopped kitchen challenge using MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) from the National Guard, and learned how to make Fry Bread with Ruth Good Thunder.
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
There is still time to sign up for the Spring EMR Basic/ First Responder course! This class is open to community members as well as high school students. Please reach out to Ally Carlson if you have any questions or would like registration information. Phone: 507-644-8043 or Email:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Congratulations to our 11/11/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. Our Character Strong focus this month is on Gratitude. Gratitude means choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives. Can you remember a time when someone did something for you that made your day better or made you feel happy? You probably felt Gratitude for that person at that moment. You are looking at a group of kids who do this every day. Our students this week are growing in their gratitude each day. We are very proud of each of them! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
Join us today at Reede Gray!
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
Mark your calendar for next week's High School choir concert!
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
RVHS Weekly Principal's Message:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Congratulations to our 11/4/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. Our Character Strong focus this month is on Responsibility. Responsibility is something that we can all keep striving for-grownups too! Eleanor Roosevelt said, “In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves…and the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” Choices that shape our lives include who and how we interact with others, what we eat to contribute to our health, the effort we put into our work and so much more.. Our students this week are growing in their responsibility each day. We are very proud of each of them! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
GFW Event Information
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
RVHS Weekly Principal's Message:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Congratulations to our 10/28/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. Our Character Strong focus this month is on Responsibility. One of the quotes the students have talked about is, “I can be part of the solution to a lot of problems in my school with my words and actions.” Being a leader means taking responsible actions. A couple of ways our students are growing in their responsibility is by: 1. Managing their time and 2. Organizing their things. Our students this week are growing in their responsibility each day. We are very proud of each of them! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
The students in the Horticulture Class at Redwood Valley High School are designing and creating a Medicine Wheel Garden. Thanks to Lydia Conito for teaching our students about the plants used in the garden and their significance. Also thanks to members of Lower Sioux Tribal Council and others who came to the event. This will be a wonderful learning experience for students at RVHS!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Medicine Garden
Medicine Garden 2
Medicine Garden 3
On October 26, Redwood Area Schools hosted a group of Doctoral Candidates from Thailand. These individuals are all teachers and school administrators working on a partnership with SMSU. Great to have them here!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Earlier this month students in Workplace Communications, Welding and Intro to Woods were able to tour the Schult Homes facility, the show homes and were able to do simulations with the Big Ideas trailer. Thanks for a great day Schult Homes!
over 2 years ago, Amie Johnson
RVHS Weekly Principal's Message:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson