Congratulations to our 10/14/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. Our Character Strong focus this month is on Responsibility. This is a big word, but an important one. Responsibility means taking action and understanding the impact of our choices. It can mean lots of things, but mostly it is about choosing actions that lead to good outcomes--like caring for people and pets, turning in your work, being Kind to those around us, and standing up for what is right. Our students this week are growing in their responsibility each day. We are very proud of each of them! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
OCTOBER is COLLEGE KNOWLEDGE MONTH! 🎉 Across the state, the month of October is dedicated to applying to college and/or planning for your plans after high school. Check out the MN Goes to College website for videos, checklists, events, and other resources to help you plan for your future at
over 2 years ago, Amie Johnson
MN Colleges
Shout out to our fall RVHS Cheerleaders for taking the time to join us at Reede Gray for lunch and indoor recess! Our students love hanging out with the older kids! Go Cardinals! #AlwaysTheCardinalWay
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
1st Grade Fire Truck Visit
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
RVHS Weekly Principal's Message:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
On Friday Night after the Football Games, students attended the "Homecoming After Gathering." Students could play video games on the big screen, Smashball, bean bags, board games, or just sit in the comfortable chairs to socialize. Concessions were available. Great night for all!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Bean Bag
Chill Zone
Smash Ball
Homecoming Week concluded today at RVHS! On Thursday, students participated in Homeroom Hoorah Games, including a Banana Relay, and Teacher Tug of War. There was a Pepfest and Powderpuff Football on Friday. At the Pepfest, student played Hungry Hippos with scooters, and Teachers competed to eat a Fruit by the Foot without using their hands, Thank you to students and staff for a great Homecoming Week!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Banana Relay
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Teacher  Fruit by the Foot
Congratulations to our Homecoming King and Queen, Jack Frank and Mia Means, along with the entire Homecoming Court!
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
King Queen
1st Grade Mrs. Lokensgard showing their school spirit!
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
Angela class
Congratulations to our 10/7/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. One of our quotes at RG this month said by Taylor Swift has been, “We don’t need to share the same opinions as others, but we need to be respectful.” Even if we don’t agree with someone, we still can show Kindness with the words that we say. Share with your family what respect means to you and ask what it means to them. Congratulations to our Character Strong Cardinal students this week for always looking for ways to show respect to people and things but most of all to be KIND. We are very proud of you! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
This Spring, Redwood Area Schools, in partnership with Minnesota West Community and Technical College is excited to be hosting an EMR Basic/ First Responder course. This class is open to community members as well as high school students. The upcoming class will be starting Monday, February 6th with a test-out date scheduled for May 1st. The class will be held in the Orrin S. Estebo Career Development and Training Center. The class cost breakdown is: $432.28 (tuition), and $145 (books) with a total of $577.28. This course will be FREE to Redwood Valley High School Students! Please reach out to Ally Carlson if you have any questions or would like registration information. Phone: 507-644-8043 or Email:
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
project aware
Take a look at the Publications September Newspaper!!
over 2 years ago, Andy Ourada
RVHS Principal's Weekly Message:
over 2 years ago, Richard Jorgenson
Reede Gray Elementary Celebrated September 2022 with our Monthly BIG BOOM Cardinal Wagon Parade! A super fun time was had by all! #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode #CharcterStrong
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
This past Thursday we had our Redwood Valley High School Cross Country Team at Reede Gray Lunch and Recess. The students just LOVE to have the Big Kids over at Reede Gray. Thank you Cross Country for taking the time out of your day to talk, have lunch and hangout at recess with our students! Small moments make big impacts. It truly makes their day #AlwaysTheCardinalWay
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
Congratulations to our 9/30/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. At Reede Gray we have been talking about how Respect feels. Respect can make us feel like we matter and like we belong. When we show respect to others, we get to help others feel that way too. We get to create an amazing and safe place where we all work together in our school community by showing respect to each other. Congratulations to our Character Strong Cardinal students this week for always looking for ways to show respect to people and things. We are very proud of you! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
Congratulations to all the 2022 Homecoming Candidates! Princesses: Emma Beavers………….. Daughter of Matt & Sara Beavers Ella Bell…………………………Daughter of Jesse & Holly Bell Pom Levy……………………..Daughter of Jon & Erica Plaetz Mia Means…………………..Daughter of Dre & Lindsey Arredondo Valerie Plaetz………………Daughter of Jon & Erica Plaetz Kaylee Robinson……….….Daughter of Matt & Mandi Robinson Rylee Sheeley…………..……Daughter of Tom & Jen Sheeley Ella Stoneberg……………..Daughter of Mark & Fay Stoneberg Princes: Evan Cooper………….…..Son of Holly Larsen Andrew Cotner…………….Son of Jason & Jodi Cotner Riley Dikken………………..Son of Samantha Loomis Camron Enright…………….Son of Matthew & Shelby Enright Lane Evans………………………Son of Tony & Hillary Evans Jack Frank………………..Son of Duane & Sherenn Frank Marshal Goblirsch….……………………Son of Ken & Shelly Goblirsch Austin Gunderson……………..Son of Jeff & Cindy Gunderson
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District
Project AWARE Newsletter
over 2 years ago, Redwood Area School District