Join us Oct. 12th for the Vehicle Fair!

RVHS Weekly Principal's Message: https://5il.co/1iigs

Redwood Area staff taking time to learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences to strengthen our work with students and adults. #ACES

Congratulations to our 9/23/22 Reede Gray Elementary Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. We continue to talk about R-E-S-P-E-C-T and treating others and our things with care. We can show RESPECT by holding the door for someone, raising our hand instead of shouting out an answer, or allowing others a chance to play or choose a game at recess. Congratulations to our Character Strong Cardinal students this week for always looking for ways to show respect to people and things. We are very proud of you! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode

The Music Department Dollar Savers fundraiser starts tomorrow, Friday September 23! Each card is $10.00 and can be bought from any current high school band or choir member! Cash and check are accepted. When writing a check, please make it out to Redwood Area Schools!

Varsity Football Team at Reede Gray lunch! 🏈

Reede Gray Family Fun Night is coming up!

Project AWARE Newsletter https://5il.co/1gmc1

RVHS Weekly Principal's Message: https://5il.co/1i3z1

Congratulations to our 9/16/22 Reede Gray Cardinal Code Shoutouts this week. We continue to talk about R-E-S-P-E-C-T and seeing the the good in people. It can mean that you look for things you like or appreciate in people-whether they are similar or different from you. It is treating others with care through listening, responding with kindness and helping others out. Congratulations to our Character Strong Cardinal students this week. We are very proud of you! *Be Respectful *Be Responsible *Be Safe #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode

A SHOUT OUT to our RV Girls Tennis team who came over to Reede Gray today during lunch and recess to interact with our students during their lunch and recess time! The kids enjoyed talking and playing at recess with you! #AlwaysTheCardinalWay

Attention Seniors! Interested in learning more about Applying to College, completing the FAFSA, and Scholarships? The Minnesota Office of Higher Education is launching a series of financial aid webinars starting September 27th! Participants who attend a webinar will be eligible to win a $500 scholarship! Register today at: bit.ly/readysetfafsa!

Flu Shot Information can be found on our Nurse's Corner:

Fall Pop in & Play

Project AWARE Newsletter https://5il.co/1gmc1

RVHS Weekly Principal's Message: https://5il.co/1hssm

Class of 2023 Parent Night!

The 2022-2023 school year is underway at Reede Gray Elementary! This month’s Character Strong focus is Respect. One way to think about Respect is “seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care.” Our students are already using their Character Strong Respect in their daily practices. Maya Angelou says, "I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Congratulations to this week's Reede Gray Elementary Cardinal Shoutouts. We are so proud of each of you. #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #CardinalCode

A new class at RVHS is "Intro to Guitar." On day 2, students in Mr. Berggren's class were already playing music. Another wonderful elective offered to students!

On Wednesday, September 7, School Resource Officer Mike Monson met with each grade level in the PAC. The focus was on helping students make positive choices, as well as prevention of bullying, harassment, and hazing.